To Be Vulnerable Is To Be Beautiful

Vulnerability is often described as being uncomfortable or terrifying. But it doesn’t necessarily mean being weak or deficient. It is about not feeling like we need to be some sort of superheroes all the time. It is about being open about ourselves. Because let us face the truth i.e. we just cannot escape being vulnerable.

If shown at the right time and at the right place, vulnerability is worth a thousand instances of strength. Vulnerability is about not denying who we are, it is about remembering we are human, that we are beautiful. 

To succeed any endeavour, you have to show who you really are. You have to lay it out there - the good, the bad, the ugly, the awkward and the uncomfortable. You have got to put it all out there, share all the parts of you with the world. That is when you will allow the connection to build and this is when impact happens.

The hardest part is to willingly let go of who we thought we should be in order to be who we were.
Lean in to those uncomfortable feelings. Show us who you really are. I know it is difficult but that is the only way.


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