9 Questions

Today I decided to skip my usual type of posts and do something new. Let’s begin…  
  1. What is your strongest sense?
I feel that my strongest sense is the sense to hear extremely well. That means I can hear the slightest of the sounds made around me which makes me a not-so-sound sleeper.

  1. What is the strangest thing that you believed as a child?
That you cannot have more than one ice cream.

  1. Are you more inclined to “build your own empire” or unleash the potential of others?
I am more of a push people to work hard while you work harder kind of a person. I believe in encouragement and providing others a chance to unleash their talents wherever possible. However, this doesn’t indicate that I am not working on building my own large empire.

  1. What’s something that amazes you?
The ability of being there for people at the right time that certain people simply possess amazes me the most.

  1. How and where do you prefer to study?
Since childhood, I have always preferred to study alone in quiet, comfy places, surrounded with loads of food i.e. my bed.

  1. What position do you sleep in?
I do not sleep. I repeat. I do not sleep.

  1. What are the top three qualities that draw you to someone new?
a.    Their ability to converse.
b.   Their sense of humour.
c.    The way they treat people.

  1. Do you believe ignorance is bliss? Why or why not?
My father always says, “We shouldn’t try controlling things that are not in our power to control.” Totally agreed. Ignorance is undoubtedly bliss. I mean who wishes to live a life full of grudges when you can enjoy ignoring things. 

  1. When do you find yourself singing?
Always **waddup harry potter reference! ** 


  1. I found it interesting! Like when I asked same questions to myself I was getting to know me better!

  2. Interesting and introspective questions.


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